This work by Carlos Latuff, Brazilian press cartoonist, showing an indigenous man impaled on a stake – part of a “property of the agro-trade” fence – is enough to sum up the Guarani-Kaiowá people’s situation.
Epoca, a Brazilian magazine, recently shed light on the tragic fate of the Guarani Kaiowá people, and it feels like living through the darkest hours of the conquest of the Wild West all over again. The 21st century is far from being less cruel than its predecessors…
- facts & numbers -
Demography, location, density…
Introducing the Guarani Kaiowá case
Murdered, driven to commit suicide; Guarani Kaiowá, the slow genocide
The Guarani Kaiowá life expectancy
© Epoca - translated by Mahault Thillaye
Date : 20/07/2015