© John Van Hasselt
Source : happynews.nl
Friday December the 7th 2012 the Dutch minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation spoke with Raoni Metuktire of the campaign ‘Amazon Emergency’.
Metuktire, leader of the 5.000 Kayapó tribe, fights for the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest and its indigenous population.
‘The trade- and investment-opportunities are vast. At the same time the unique Amazon Rainforest has to be preserved. Dutch companies should easily be able to combine these 2 factors’ says Ploumen.
The Dutch government keeps intensified contact with the various ngo’s on this subject and regularly states the rights of the indigenous population to the Brazilian government. Dutch companies in the area play a distinct role in the trade of wood,meat and soja.
© happynews.nl - translation by Sander Pilet : original article
Date : 07/12/2012